Lavender Cooler

By Vanita, April 19, 2015

Lavender enflames passion, and in this case my passion to cook and bake! Not only it is beautiful, gentle and soft, it is a fragrant aromatic herb that relieves stress and has calming properties. Widely used in essential oils, teas and gourmet cooking. Lavender has a personality,  inspires people to tap into their creative self. I’m mesmerised by the dreamy hue 🙂 My organic french lavender was carried by my brother all the way from France. When you get home after a long day at work, Lavender Cooler makes a perfect drink to refresh you.
There are 2 parts to the recipe
Lavender Syrup
Making the cooler
Lavender Syrup
1 cup water
1/2 cup sugar
1 tablespoon dried Lavender
Bring to a boil water,sugar and lavender, by stirring occasionally.
Once at a boil, bring to a simmer for 2 minutes.
Strain though a fine sieve and cool.
You can also store it in the refrigerator if need be.
To make the lavender cooler:
Juice from 3 lemons
Salt and sugar to taste
3 – 4 cups water
Ice cubes
DSCF4643Organic color – purple, one drop
Thyme to garnish
In a large pan, combine the juice of 3 lemons, water and half of the reserved lavender syrup.
Add salt and sugar to adjust the taste.
Mix in a drop of organic purple color to achieve lavender color to the drink.
Serve in a martini glass. Add ice cubes and garnish with thyme.
Enjoy your Lavender Cooler!